Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ward 1 Pothole Situation

I can't take it anymore!  This pothole situation has gotten completely out of control.  I've held off posting about this issue for quite awhile, trying to give the city some time to get out and work the miles of roads in our great city before complaining.  I think enough time has been given, and now I'm turning my anger on the individuals that represent the Ward.  Not long ago Mayor Rybak allotted an extra million dollars to be used on pothole repair.  I'm beginning to think that all of that money was used to repair roads in South Minneapolis rather than the East Side.

Maybe my route to work is just the worst in the entire city but I'm beginning to think that I may need to start looking for a Lunar Rover as my next vehicle to maneuver the craters on St. Anthony Pkwy/Industrial Blvd and Broadway.  I have actually seen hubcaps fly off of vehicles as their wheels disappear into a cavernous hole.  The sound of your shocks and struts bottoming out is never a pretty sound, and it is something that I hear on a daily basis.  I can no longer dodge the holes on my route due to the sheer number of them.  I know this isn't the most heavily traveled route in the city but it's getting ridiculous. 

I don't say this very often but I am thrilled when I hop on 280 and cross into St. Paul right now because they have done a fantastic job at filling every pothole, even on the very light traffic roads that I take into work.  I'd like to thank the city of St. Paul for their hard work (even though some news stations would disagree with me).  I'd also like to call out our Councilman, Kevin Reich, and implore him to do something about this situation.  If it would help, I am volunteering to walk behind a tar truck to fill the potholes myself.  I'm sure I could find more than a few volunteers for this activity.  Mr. Reich, would you like to join me?  Help me save our cars!

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