Friday, May 14, 2010

Giant Signs on Target Center Wall

The Star Tribune is reporting that the Timberwolves have received 3 offers to place large sings on the Target Center, facing Target Field.  Right now they are just waiting on receiving permits from the city to construct the billboards that will fetch them a cool $300,000.  I really hope the City Council votes against this permit.

I can just see it now, beautiful Target Field, Twins playing the Yankees on national television, and as the camera pans to show the view over right field there's the Captain himself standing on a keg promoting that family friendly beverage.  Or maybe we'll get a view reminiscent of the old Calvin Klein ads.  Let's not pollute Target Field with some hideous billboard.  I agree that the Target Center is an eye sore looking out over right field but let's cover it with something more Minnesotan than some advertising.  Let's get a local artist to do a mural.  I know this won't bring the $300,000 annual revenue to the Timberwolves but maybe they should try to boost their revenue by putting a winning team on the court rather than selling building space.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

AFSCME Endorses Marcia Thomas

Just received an email from the Marcia Thomas campaign announcing the endorsement from AFSCME.  This is a great endorsement as it shows that Marcia has the ability to work with not only teachers and administration but with everybody involved in keeping the Minneapolis schools running.  AFSCME is a great union with some fantastic members that are sure to help propel Marcia to vicotry.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Great Doorknock with Mayor Rybak

On Saturday I braved the cold to do a little door knocking for my friend Hal Kimball out in Annandale.  We made it through about 1,000 doors after it was all said and done.  What was more impressive to me though was that Mayor Rybak came out to help with the cause, and he brought a handful of volunteers with him.  I have a lot of respect for anybody willing to knock on doors, and I have even more respect for people that are willing to come out to a traditionally red district to do that. 

SD 18 is a place where most people haven't seen any politician at their door in many years.  Probably not since '06 when Hal and I knocked it last.  For Mayor Rybak to drive an hour West, brave the sleet, and then knock on moderate doors is a testament to his dedication to the DFL.  Thanks Mayor Rybak, and thank you to all the volunteers that came out.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pothole Update #2

SUCCESS!!  After a phone call, and an email to 311, I received a work order saying that the potholes will be repaired by May 21st.  I'm hoping that all of this rain doesn't push that completion date back a few days but even if it does I'll still be thrilled when they are repaired.  In 2 short weeks I will be able to drive home to work without having to feel like I'm taking a ride on a jackhammer.  Thanks Minneapolis!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

No District 1 Forum

Just got word today that there will NOT be a District 1 School Board forum before this years endorsing convention.  I'd be lying if I didn't say I was extremely disappointed, especially after getting my hopes up after initially hearing that both candidates had accepted.  I understand that there a 3 forums for all candidates prior to the convention but considering the longest of these is only 2 hours, that's hardly enough time to get anything but a small 'soundbyte' from any of the 13 candidates. 

I have an earlier email from the Marcia Thomas campaign that makes it sound like she was very willing, and almost eager to debate the issues in a District 1 specific forum.  All I received from the Arneson campaign was what I would call a questioning phone call, that was more or less attacking my view that there should be a forum. 

With the facts that I have laid out above, and without any official word, I can only infer that the reason we won't see this forum is because the Arneson campaign declined to participate.  I have my own opinions as to why a campaign would refuse to debate their opponent but I'll let the reader come to their own conclusions. 

I do plan to ask each candidate personally as to the reason there was no arena to compare our next representative on the Board side by side.  I don't anticipate that I get many straight answers as to the reason but it's worth a shot.  Also, because of the experiences that I've had with the Arneson campaign, you can expect to see me in a Marcia Thomas shirt at the convention.  Next step is to figure out how I might be able to get my hands on one of those.  Any ideas?

In closing, I have embedded my favorite political ad of all time.  I feel the Paul Wellstone Looking for Rudy' ad really speaks to this issue.  I only have one word for all of this, DISAPPOINTED!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

We Need More of This

My good friend Hal Kimball who is running for State Senate is SD 18 (Hutchinson, Litchfield, Annandale et. al.) wrote a great open letter to both Speaker Kelliher and Rep. Emmer about what the focus should be this election cycle.  I think he hit the nail on the head with his pledges.  I hope they really take a look at this letter, and that other candidates/elected officials follow his points. 
This is the type of bi-partisanship that is so desperately needed in St. Paul. 

Dear Speaker Kelliher and Representative Emmer,
Congratulations on your hard-earned and well-deserved victories at your respective party conventions over the last two weekends.

As the campaign for governor enters a new phase, I’d like to encourage each of you to remain focused on the critical issues facing our state and engage in the kind of substantive and spirited debate Minnesotans deserve regarding your ideas for the future.

Two years ago, the Senate race between Al Franken and Norm Coleman was a boon for political consultants, spinmasters and negative ad peddlers, but both candidates, with their heavy reliance on the politics of personal destruction, provided a grave disservice to the people of Minnesota. That’s not a path we can afford to go down again. Our state faced great challenges in 2008. Now, the stakes are even higher and all candidates owe those they seek to represent an honest conversation and real, workable solutions for Minnesotans.
Across my district, I’ve met countless people concerned about finding jobs, paying for health care, keeping their small businesses up and running and providing their children with every opportunity to succeed. These are bedrock principles across Minnesota and we once led the way in each of these areas. Today, sadly, we’re struggling on every front—and we’re losing the race for the future.
Unfortunately, at a time when we need the very best from our candidates and elected leaders, many of the people I’ve talked to in Wright, Meeker and McLeod counties have lost faith in the ability of government to do anything. Liberal, conservative, or something in between, Minnesotans have grown frustrated with the same old promises, the same old tactics and the same old results at the Capitol. That’s why I’m making the following pledge to voters in my district. I hope you’ll join me in taking these principles statewide:

I will tell the truth.

I will not promise things I know I can’t deliver.

I will not take my marching orders—in this campaign and after taking office—from interest groups of any variety. I will do what’s right without regard to politics.

I will acknowledge that government is not the enemy of the people, but there’s also not a government answer for every challenge we face.

I will never forget that our ideas must be paid for. Tax cuts and/or program expansions need to be offset with spending cuts and/or revenue enhancements.

I will always remember that my opponent is a good person who wants the best for Minnesota. Our debate must remain focused on who has the best ideas for achieving our shared goal.

Again, congratulations on winning your respective endorsement contests. I look forward to seeing you both on the campaign trail and I can’t wait to work with you starting next January so we can move Minnesota forward.
Hal Kimball
DFL-endorsed Senate candidate, District 18

Pothole Update

I received my May Newsletter yesterday from CM Reich, and hallelujah it talks about potholes, and what Minneapolis is doing to fix them.  I'd like to thank CM Reich for voting in the funds to help solve what I'd like to call a crisis.

As you are probably aware, May also brings another month of potholes. Due to specific weather conditions that occurred this past winter, the pothole season is worse than usual this year. In response to the high volume of needed work, the City Council in April approved an additional $500,000 to double the number of repair crews for a 6 to 8 week period this spring.
First Ward residents who want to report potholes now have three options: call 311, go online at or call the Ward One office.
So I was wrong, I thought it was a million dollars additional added to the 'pothole fund' but $500,000 is still a pretty nice number.  Doubling the number of crews should mean that I see Industrial Blvd, and Broadway fixed up here soon.  The potholes are actually starting to resemble rock quarries. 

Anyways, you can bet that I've called 311, and I will also be going online to report the potholes.  I'm thinking of maybe taking some pictures as well just to really drive home the point.  Or perhaps I'll just send in the bill I get from the mechanic for an alignment...Nah, I think I'll just keep fightin' the good fight by going through the proper channels, and not pissing anybody off.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Richard Mammen Meet & Greet

I received an email today about a meet and greet for Richard Mammen (at large School Board candidate).  It would seem as if the campaign took my advice as this event is scheduled for Tuesday May 11th from 5-7 at the Minneapolis Club.  The event is being hosted by Don Fraser, among others.  Thanks also to the campaign for not including emails of everybody that it was sent to. 

Ward 1 Pothole Situation

I can't take it anymore!  This pothole situation has gotten completely out of control.  I've held off posting about this issue for quite awhile, trying to give the city some time to get out and work the miles of roads in our great city before complaining.  I think enough time has been given, and now I'm turning my anger on the individuals that represent the Ward.  Not long ago Mayor Rybak allotted an extra million dollars to be used on pothole repair.  I'm beginning to think that all of that money was used to repair roads in South Minneapolis rather than the East Side.

Maybe my route to work is just the worst in the entire city but I'm beginning to think that I may need to start looking for a Lunar Rover as my next vehicle to maneuver the craters on St. Anthony Pkwy/Industrial Blvd and Broadway.  I have actually seen hubcaps fly off of vehicles as their wheels disappear into a cavernous hole.  The sound of your shocks and struts bottoming out is never a pretty sound, and it is something that I hear on a daily basis.  I can no longer dodge the holes on my route due to the sheer number of them.  I know this isn't the most heavily traveled route in the city but it's getting ridiculous. 

I don't say this very often but I am thrilled when I hop on 280 and cross into St. Paul right now because they have done a fantastic job at filling every pothole, even on the very light traffic roads that I take into work.  I'd like to thank the city of St. Paul for their hard work (even though some news stations would disagree with me).  I'd also like to call out our Councilman, Kevin Reich, and implore him to do something about this situation.  If it would help, I am volunteering to walk behind a tar truck to fill the potholes myself.  I'm sure I could find more than a few volunteers for this activity.  Mr. Reich, would you like to join me?  Help me save our cars!

Monday, April 26, 2010

State Convention

Sorry I have been absent for a few days, I spent the weekend up in Duluth taking in the sights and smells of the DFL State Convention.  Although it didn't turn out the way I had hoped when I rode into Duluth, it was a very good convention.  Saturday was of course the most active day with the endorsing of MAK.  I wasn't a delegate since I was married on the day of the SD59 convention but I did watch from the gallery all that took place on Saturday.  I 'Tweeted' most of the event from my perch at the DECC so my play-by-play can be seen on my Twitter.  MPP does have a great post up that really summed up my feelings of how things went in regards to the winners and losers of the convention so I'll let you head over there, and read that.

I'll try to get some more stuff up later today regarding the hopefully upcoming District 1 School Board Forum.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

District 1 Candidate Forum Update 1

So after a lot of digging I've finally been able to find a few answers regarding a proposed candidate forum for District 1.  As I said in my previous post I emailed both campaigns, and only had received one response back.  I've still only have that one response (from the Marcia Thomas campaign) in my possession, and have posted the email from the campaign below.  I decided to post the email(s) so that I didn't get anything wrong in my attempt to paraphrase. 

Hi Nolan,
Here are the currently scheduled forums:
April 22:
6:00-8:00 pm
Dowling School
3900 West River Parkway
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Sponsored by Area B PAC (parent advisory committee).
I understand that 10 of the 11 candidates will be in attendance
May 13
Sanford School
3524 42nd Avenue South
Hosted by Mpls DFL
11 of 11 candidates will be in attendance

May 22
Prior to convention – about 1.5 hours
Patrick Henry HS
4320 Newton Ave N.
All candidates – at least 11

Marcia Thomas’ campaign believes that forums are a great way for delegates to learn about the candidates and compare how candidates work together. Since District 1 is contested, we would like to see a District 1 specific forum to allow delegates to make a more informed decision about who to support.

Obviously the Thomas Campaign is ready and willing to attend a forum.  So, since I didn't hear anything back from the Arneson campaign I decided to email PEN and SD59 to see if they had anything in the works.  PEN informed that they are indeed trying to organize a forum with the help of SD59 on May 12th at NE Community Lutheran Church.  Letters went our yesterday to both campaigns, and the Thomas Campaign has already accepted the invitation.  At this time there has been no response from the Arneson camp. 

I'm hoping that they is an acceptance from both sides on this forum to give delegates, and interested parties an opportunity to hear both sides.  Forums are a great opportunity for individuals to get an understanding of where the candidates stand, and to decide who will best represent them on the Board. 

I guess I'll take this opportunity to ask Jenny Arneson to accept the invitation from PEN and SD59 to attend and participate in the forum. 

More to come on this later...

Friday, April 16, 2010

District 1 School Board Forum?

Earlier I posted dates for School Board forums that will involve all, or most, candidates.  Being that this is a Ward 1 blog though I'm very interested in the District 1 race that is getting pretty heated.  I have been unable to find any mention of a District 1 specific forum but would really like to see one show up.  I have emailed both the Arneson and Thomas campaigns seeking comment as to the possibility of a forum.  I've received an email back from one of the campaigns but will hold it until I give time to the other campaign to comment.  If I don't receive any feedback from the other campaign by Monday I will post the 1 email I do have. 

I've been getting several emails, and heard numerous rumors about this race.  It sounds like things are getting pretty interesting between the campaigns which could make for a very interesting convention.  With all the 'drama' surrounding this race I really hope that they can work out a forum in the near future. 

More to come on this very soon.

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Owner for Block E

I'm happy to report that Block E has a new owner (almost).  Bob Lux, the developer of Grant Park and the Carlyle has signed a purchas agreement to take over 213,000 sq ft of the Block E building (excludes Graves 601).  I think by having somebody that actually lives in Minneapolis owning this building we will see a pitch to get tenents that make sense.  Now that Target Field is open, and attracting thousands of people to the area it could actually work out.

I'm hopefull that Mr. Lux doesn't make the mistake that the previous developers made by brining in mediocre tenents.  I look forward to seeing a multitude of fun and trendy shops and restaurants open in the space.

One question that I have.  Didn't Bob Lux also try to open the Pinnacle in St. Paul?  Did that thing ever get built?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

DeGrio Meet and Greet

Just received an Email from the DeGrio Campaign about a Meet and Greet this Saturday from 9-11 at Urban Harvest (2311 18th Ave NE).  I know I've already stated that I'll be supporting David at the City Convention this year but I still plan on attending the event.  I encourage everybody (even if you're not a delegate) to attend as many meet and greets as you can.  Should your first picks be dropped from the ballot, it's always good to know who your #2/3 is so you're not scrambling at the last moment.  If anybody has any other meet and greets that they know of feel free to shoot them over to me.  I'd be happy to post them. 

Monday, April 5, 2010

First Game

Just wanted to upload a quick picture from the game on Saturday.  I have to say that they did a great job on the stadium.  We had a lot of fun, and look forward to many more games.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Target Field

Well the time has finally arrived for baseball to return outdoors in Minnesota. For the past 4 years people have been battling over whether it was the right thing to build the Twins a new stadium. Well, let the bickering end now because the stadium is here, and the games will be played, and the seats will be full, and there's nothing that can be done. Politicians have battled for years over whether to use public finances to fund the stadium, Democrats and Republicans have both used this argument when running for office.
Well building the stadium was the right thing to do because baseball transcends political rhetoric, and holds a much different place in the hearts of it Republican, Democrat, Green, Socialist, or Fascist; we've all picked up a stick and ball at some point in our lives. Baseball doesn't discriminate based on creed, color, political affiliation, or economic status. Baseball, is the great equalizer. Baseball gives us an excuse to forget all the chaos in the world, and give us the ability to just enjoy watching something as simple as hitting a ball with a piece of wood. Baseball has brought families together for generations, and dads around the state are bringing their kids to see the same game that their dads brought them to see. So for one day, on April 12th, I suggest we take a cue from baseball, and that when we see a fellow Minnesotan with TC branded across their forehead, that we simply smile and wave, and that we know that as a state, cheering for a group of boys, we all have something in common.
I'm rambling now so I think I'll just put up a quote from Field of Dreams that sums up what I was trying to say much more eloquently.
Ray, people will come Ray. They'll come to Iowa for reasons they can't even fathom. They'll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why they're doing it. They'll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past. Of course, we won't mind if you look around, you'll say. It's only $20 per person. They'll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and peace they lack. And they'll walk out to the bleachers; sit in shirtsleeves on a perfect afternoon. They'll find they have reserved seats somewhere along one of the baselines, where they sat when they were children and cheered their heroes. And they'll watch the game and it'll be as if they dipped themselves in magic waters. The memories will be so thick they'll have to brush them away from their faces. People will come Ray. The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh... people will come Ray. People will most definitely come.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

And Then There Were 5?

I just read that Chanda Smith Baker has officially announced her at-large School Board candidacy.  So, if my count is correct, I believe that makes it 5 official candidates now in the race.

David DeGrio
T. Williams
Richard Mammen
Chanda Smith Baker
Doug Mann (green candidate?)

I'm probably missing somebody, and if I am just let me know.  So from what I can tell, as of right now we'll have 4 candidates that will be seeking the DFL endorsement in May.  Like I said earlier I am supporting David DeGrio but am 100% undecided on who else to support for the at-large endorsement.  I'll keep digging for as much information as I can find in my attempt to find a great candidate.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Minneapolis School Board Update #1

I just received an email last night from the Richard Mammen Campaign (email below). I read this email on my phone, and my first impression was very good. He seems to have a pretty good resume that spans quite a time frame. Looking at an email on my phone usually means I only look at it quickly and don't give much thought to content, so when I looked at it on my computer I started having some reservations about the organization of the campaign.

First of all, they put every email in the 'to' line which means that all those emails are open for anybody to see. Obviously by having a blog I'm not worried too much about my email getting out but I know others don't enjoy this. Note to the Mammen Campaign: please start putting email addresses in the BCC line or invest in something like Constant Contact.

Second, is the timing of the meet and greet. I learned early on in my campaign days that you should avoid weekends and holidays for meet and greets. A lot of time and effort goes in to these things, and the worst possible outcome is that nobody shows up. Well, the Mammen Campaign managed to break both of those rules on their first try. This event is scheduled for April 3rd at 6pm. While my goal is to give everybody a shot by listening to what they have to say, I will be unable to attend this event because of the timing. Next time I would suggest a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday after the Easter and Passover Holidays.

I understand that sometimes weekends are the only time to squeeze in things like this, and that when running for the first time mistakes are often made. I just hope they learn from this, and that they plan a little better with their next email/event.

Don't worry, I won't be basing my support off of this one incident but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Copy of Email (personal Email's and phone number redacted):

Dear Friend,

I am proud to announce the the campaign kick off for Richard Mammen candidate for School Board and Team Mammen. The kick off will be held at Intermedia Art on Saturday April 3rd at 6pm.
This will be an opportunity to meet Richard and the members of our campaign team, and a way to meet other supporters and help our campaign by getting involved.

Richard Mammen is a candidate for one of the 2 at-large seats on the Minneapolis School Board this coming fall. He is a life long resident of Minneapolis and a democrat. A graduate of Washburn High and the University of MN. He is also the parent of 2 South High graduates and a current 8th grader at Seward Montessori. For the past 40 years he has been professionally involved in youth development work as an outreach worker with the YMCA, as the creator and director of a contract alternative school serving juvenile offenders, as the director of the MPLS Youth Coordinating Board under Mayor Don Fraser for 7 years, and as the developer and director of numerous programs and organizations that serve children and youth in our city.

If you cannot attend but are interested in donating checks can be made out to "Richard Mammen For Schools" and sent to PO Box 17132, Minneapolis MN 55417

Thank you!!


David Gilbert-Pederson
2137 Minneapolis Ave
Minneapolis MN 55406

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust

Gameworks is shutting its doors, and the already empty Block E, just became more of a ghost town. I realize this isn't in Ward 1 but I'm trying to broaden my horizon just a little.

Gameworks occupied 34,012 square feet of the stone Goliath that has been on life support for several years now. Block E still has 24,000 square feet that Borders has been trying to unload for just over two years without any luck. All this, and Hooters is on the verge of eviction unless it can somehow come up with almost $450,000 that it owes in back rent.

Kieren's did take the leap of faith, and moved in to Block E two weeks ago today. I'm not sure how they're doing but something tells me that is one place that can't fail (famous last words). With the addition of Kieren's they did double the number of worthwhile businesses there, The Shout House being the other one.

Here's my opinion...If you're going to build a monstrosity in the middle of a downtown area, don't fill it with large chains that people can find in the suburbs where they don't have to pay for parking. I don't know many families that are getting home after work and saying, 'ok kids, hop in the minivan, we're goin' downtown to Applebee's!' No, I'm thinking that when working class people get home from work after a long rush hour commute, they're saying, 'ok kids, hop in the minivan, we're goin' 3 blocks to Applebee's (or a movie theatre, or Dave and Busters).

Block E is a good idea in principal but the company that owns it might need a little lesson in property management. If you're going to build something in an area where families don't live, then you need to fill it with things that those people can't get anywhere else. Or, you need to at least appeal to the people that do actually live in the area. I don't claim to have the answers, and believe me, I know the economy has a lot to do with this but Block E was failing before the recession so I don't know if I buy that excuse. No, I think it was just poor management, and poor solicitation to get tenants that would really bring in the people.

What thrives downtown? Live theatre, niche restaurants, bars, these are the things that needed to be looked at when filling the space. I said when the palce opened it wasn't going to make it, and it's too bad. I hope they can get it together and find some worthwhile tenants but it might be too little, too late with this economy. Although, maybe the Kieren's move is the start of something great for Block E.

School Board Forums

Just got some good dates on upcoming School Board Forums that will be held.

All Candidates:

April 22nd
May 13th

District 1 Cadidates:

TBD (I'm hearing early May)

I hope to attend all of the forums, and will try to live blog the events but will probably end up updating after the forums. Check back for more updates as I get them.

City Convention

I am a delegate to this year's city convention, and it should actually be a pretty hot endorsing process. With two school board members announcing they won't seek re-election, and the new setup for school board seats, I'm excited to see how this plays out.

I've only just begun my research on the candidates, and have found a few things out there that I will be going through. TC Daily Planet has a good article covering the candidate forum, and I also found a broadcast from KFAI that has an interview with all of the candidates (dead link). I plan on reading/listening to both (it) in the coming days to help me get a handle on all of the candidates.

I've worked with David DeGrio on several projects, and for this reason he will be receiving my endorsement for one of the candidates. David is a very devoted, and caring individual that I feel will have a lot to add to the next Board. I also got a great response from him when I asked about his thoughts on the recent Super appointment.

I don't have children, let alone children in the Minneapolis School system but I am very passionate about education, and I feel that what happens in the schools effects everything in the city. I really struggled with the decision to not do a search for a Superintendent, not because I feel that Super Johnson isn't qualified for the position, but because I feel that this Board owes it to the students to conduct a thorough search. I wrote to all of the Board members who voted in favor of the appointment to voice my concern over the process. I only received one response, and let's just say it was less than what I was hoping for.

In the coming days I'll report on what I've learned from my digging in to the school board candidate research. I'll try to get them up in short order since I know most people are on the edge of their seats to hear what I have to say about the candidates.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm back...sort of

I've managed to neglect this blog for the past 8 months. Turns out blogging about NE politics can get pretty dicey. I've decided to start writing again though because, well frankly, I miss it. I'm not however going to advertise the blog anywhere, and if people stop to read, great, if not, it's ok by me.

When I started this blog I stated that it would be just my opinions and observations, and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I know some of the things I blog about won't be popular with some of the party elites but that's what makes it so fun. For others that read it, it might be exactly what they've been hoping to see.

I'll state it again, I consider myself a progressive liberal but that doesn't mean that I agree with everything that is said by current members of the DFL. I'm not going to back down anymore from writing what I think about some of our elected officials, or candidate hopefuls.

Game on!